Help Yourself Shelf Food Pantry The Help Yourself Shelf is an ongoing ministry that makes available food and hygiene products to those in need. The pantry is outside of St. Philip’s Parish Hall on Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30pm. Please come if you need this service. If you have questions or wish to volunteer or make donations, please call the office at 882-7184 or e-mail us at
Needed Donations: Canned fruits and vegetables, canned meats/tuna, paper products, personal care products, diapers (adult and baby), peanut butter/jelly, rice, pasta, gluten-free, baking mixes, fruit juices, cereal and breakfast bars, condiments, eggs, cheese, fresh produce. (If you are donating perishable items, please call first so someone can meet you at delivery.)
Bargain Basement Thrift Shop The Bargain Basement Thrift Shop is an outreach mission to serve the community with very affordable clothing and household goods. The Bargain Basement is open on Tuesdays from Noon to 4; Thursdays 2 to 5; and Saturdays from 9 to 4. Through community donations, the Bargain Basement is able to offer a wide variety of clothing, light furniture, household goods and much more at low prices. The volunteer staff will work with those in need in the community who cannot afford to pay. If you wish to volunteer, donate or have questions, please call the office at 882-7184 or e-mail us at
Altar Guild This ministry is to the altar and sanctuary. We prepare the altar for the Sunday services and make sure the supplies and linens for the services are maintained. If you would like to serve God and the Church in this capacity, please speak with the priest-in-charge or call the office at 882-7184 or e-mail us at
Lay Reader Lay Readers participate in the Sunday services by reading the First and Second Lessons and lead the Prayers of the People. If you would like to be involved in this ministry, please speak with the priest-in-charge or call the office at 882-7184 or e-mail us at
Chalice Bearer This ministry is licensed by the Bishop of Maine. The term of office is for three years. Chalice Bearers assist in serving the Holy Communion during Sunday service and special services throughout the year. If you would like to become a Chalice Bearer, please speak with the priest-in-charge or call the office at 882-7184 or e-mail us at
Lay Eucharistic Minister This ministry is licensed by the bishop of Maine. The term of office is three years. After one of the main Sunday services, LEMs bring the sacrament to those who are ill or otherwise unable to attend services. If you would like to become a LEM, please speak with the priest-in-charge or call the office at 882-7184 or e-mail us at
Acolyte This ministry is service at the altar, assisting with the preparation of the altar for communion, lighting candles, and assisting the priest. Anyone nine years of age or older may serve as an acolyte. Several adults have found this a rewarding ministry. If you are interested in this ministry, please call the office at 882-7184 or e-mail us at
Vestry-in-Person (VIP) A new ministry that offers hospitality and ensures the Sanctuary and Parish Hall are ready for services and safely closed down afterwards. Provided by Vestry members on a sign-up basis. The VIP will ring our historic chapel bell, light and extinguish the candles, usher, and most importantly, acknowledge all visitors so they feel welcome and comfortable at St. Philip’s.