Help Yourself Shelf Food Pantry
Help Yourself Shelf Food Pantry
The Help Yourself Shelf (HYS) is an ongoing ministry of St. Philip’s. It provides groceries, meat, vegetables, baked goods, and paper products to families in need. The Pantry opens every Thursday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 outside of the church’s parish hall. If your family needs good food, fresh vegetables and other supplies, please do not hesitate to visit St. Philip’s. Volunteers will greet you, and ask you to sign in. No proof of residency is required. Should you have questions, wish to volunteer, or make donations, please call the office at 882-7184 or e-mail us at For news and updates, visit our Facebook page at
Needed Donations: Canned meats/tuna, jarred spaghetti sauce, personal care and paper products, diapers (adult and baby), gluten-free items, peanut butter/jelly, pasta, baking mixes, cereal and breakfast bars, condiments, fruit juice, eggs, cheese, fresh produce. (If you are donating perishable items, please call first so someone can meet you at delivery.)